What are the Documents Required for a Tourist Visa to Australia?

Visa is like a travel approval certificate by your state, but if we look back at Visa’s history, you will find out that it was not a simple idea. It started in the year 1924 when the US government, under the immigration Act 1924, decided to take information, motivation to immigrate, photos, and other relevant detail of each migrant coming to America.
A tourist visa to Australia is not a complicated process if you are willing to follow the exact procedure. Nowadays, applying for Visa and getting a permit is extremely easy as E-visa has made it fast and easy.
Why Visa is essential?

Several reasons reinforce the reasonability of a tourist visa. Every immigrant and traveler must get permission from his country and the destined country to cross their borders. It is a right for every state that it must do adequate research about those people who are trying to visit it.
They might help you get a secure job by interpreting your motivation for immigration or through analyzing your academic life. Not only this but also from a security aspect a visa, having every detail about your life.
Has Australia got a policy for a tourist visa?
According to surveys, Australia earned $60.8 billion through tourism in the last fiscal year, tourism in Australia and its increasing demand has pushed the Australian Government to execute particular policies for immigrants and tourists.
The Australian Government believes in tourist’s security and well being while keeping in view the protection of the local Australian citizens. That is why traveling to Australia without a permit is illegal.
What would happen if I do not have a visa in Australia?
If you are visiting Australia without acquiring a legal permit by the Australian Government, they would either detain you or send you back to your state. For further information, you may check the article about unlawful citizens in Australia.
These deportation laws are not simple, and the culprit would have to suffer a lot once caught. A safe way of visiting Australia is to apply through a tourist visa. If you want to learn more about Australia’s e-Visa, you’re more than welcome to visit this website and learn some more.
How much time a tourist to Australia visa would take for approval?
The applicants will have to wait until their Visa gets approved. The waiting period depends upon the application format. If somebody has applied through E-visa, which is the electronic way of asking for Visa, he will have to wait for almost four days. Provided he has submitted the exact documents.
On the other hand, if somebody has followed the regular visa format for Australia, he may have to wait longer, almost for 15 days or more because manual works need time. As per my research, E-visa is far better and secure than the usual method of visa application.
Steps for applying tourist visa to Australia

Even though nowadays applying for a visa is not a complicated process, but still, each step and phase requires a certain amount of care and attentiveness. People pause the application process most of the time because they were not aware of the details they would have to submit while filling the visa application form. Such a careless attitude would only waste your time.
Here are a few primary steps that should be followed to experience a smooth visa application process to Australia.
1. Do the homework
Your homework for applying a tourist visa depends upon the Australian Government’s Visa policies and the immigration laws of your native land. Here, we will only have a glimpse of what should be done for a smooth visa application.
Get your pen and a diary. Write down the names of those documents that are requisite for visa approval—Mark down the dates when those documents will be right in your hand. Secondly, do a bit of research about the availability of those documents.
Here is a list of the required documents for a visa application.
- Your ID cards
- Passport
- Bank statement
- Fresh photographs
- Motivation letter
2. Recheck your passport
When applying for a tourist visa, the aspirant should check the freshness and validity of their passports. Your passport has to be fresh and must not expire within the next three months. Otherwise, the approving organizations would not permit you the travel visa.
3. Scan your documents
In case of an E-visa to Australia, you only need to provide your valid passport, that has been approved by your country for a tourist visa and a valid e-mail. On the other hand, if you are opting for a regular visa, then you might need to visit the embassies or upload your scanned documents on their website.
4. Get a bank statement in time
A bank statement is a piece of paper claiming your monetary worth. The destined country needs to know about your strength of survival in their country. Each state has a separate set of living standards and cost of living; it is, in fact, for the visitor’s financial security in a strange land.
5. Write an application

This application or cover letter is far different than a formal letter. You must write it to have a close friend in your mind. The purpose of this application is to share your plans with the prospective state. You should mention the following points in your travel permit application for Australia.
- Your purpose of visiting Australia.
- The route you will take for reaching Australia.
- How would you manage the expenses of traveling?
- How many people from your family will accompany you on this trip?
- Mention your source of income.
- Share your ideas about how you will earn when in Australia, and if you are not going to earn there, then how will you bear all your expenses.
- Who are your sponsors, is there any relative in Australia, what do they do there and for how long they have been in Australia.
Lastly, submit all these documents, and wait for the response; once they have approved your Visa, pay the visa fee and buy a ticket to Australia.