Get a Degree and See the World: 5 Tricks from Traveling Students 2023
“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page”. This quote is arguably attributed to St. Augustin, but whoever said it, they were certainly right: traveling broadens horizons.
Most of our ancestors didn’t have such luxury – they could hardly get anywhere far on foot or even on a chariot. Today the world open to us: we can cross lands, oceans, and seas in hours, not years.

Why Is It Good to Travel as a Student?
Student years are probably the best for seeing new places around the world. Young and free, open-minded and full of enthusiasm, most youngsters have neither careers nor families to worry about.
Still, not everything is that easy. Students do have some responsibilities – first of all, academic ones. Usually, there are tons of assignments and stressful exams. But what’s more important – most young people have tight budgets. Anyway, there are a lot of tricks for them to see the world and not be left broke.
The most popular ways for students to travel with benefits are:
- Fully-funded scholarships to study abroad;
- Student exchange programs ;
- Au Pair;
- Student volunteer abroad programs.
All of these programs can not only give you a great chance to see other countries. You will also add something to your life and education experience. But beware! While planning your unforgettable journey, you should never forget about your current academic tasks. Bad marks never did anyone any good.
Though, there’s a hack, too: if right now you’re feeling too overwhelmed, look for professional help on the internet. For example, you can find an experienced writer to handle your essay job at Essay Pro. After you’ve taken care of your current affairs, you can really think of traveling. Our tricks from student voyagers will help you not miss anything out!
5 Tricks from Traveling Students

1. Planning Ahead
Whether you’re thinking about studying abroad or simply spending a casual weekend with friends in a neighboring country, planning is crucial. Generally, such a skill is essential not only during student years but also in adult life, too.
First of all, clarify your intentions. Here are some questions you should ask yourself the following questions.
- How far do I want to go?
- What do I want to do there?
- How much money can I spend?
- How much time do I have?
- Do I want to go alone or with a company?
These questions may vary slightly, but basically, you should have a plan for any case. Your general plan will be a starting point for any further, more detailed planning. Once you have answered these questions, there surely will appear more.
2. Take Care of Your Finances
Students can travel for cheap, but no one can do it without a budget. The amount of money you’ll need depends a lot on the purpose, length of your journey, and destination. But there’s some general advice.
Firstly, try to count all the inevitable expenses. Then, add a comfortable sum for unnecessary, but desirable expenses. That includes cafes, sightseeing and entertainment. Nevertheless, many students plan their journeys even if they are short of budget, because it doesn’t matter a lot for them.
It’s good to have both credit/debit cards and cash in the local currency. Learn everything about the exchange rates and commissions from your bank. Find out if there are any bank branches in the country you’ll be traveling to. Try to predict everything and find out what you can do if any problems occur with your card.
Finally, speak to your relatives about the money issue and find out if they’ll be ready to help you and send some money in urgent situations.
3. Get an ID Card

An ISIC (International Student Identity Card) can be very handy for a traveling student. It enables international students to get discounts on public transportation, accommodation, tours, activities, shopping, and entertainment. You can even see some sights for free!
To get the card, you must be 12 years old or older and be able to prove your age and academic status. The card will cost you about $25 (plus shipping), but this will pay back very quickly.
Be ready to prepare some documents to get your ISIC card and be sure to apply for it in advance, so that you’ll have it in your hands before the journey and won’t have to worry about too many things at a time.
4. Make Good Use of Volunteer and Exchange Programs
Students are eligible for a lot of international programs that enable them to travel, earn some money and do good all at once. Such programs could be a brilliant possibility for those who don’t want to spend much time planning the trip. Some of the most popular programs are:
If you like children and don’t mind living in a host family, you can try to become an au pair. This way, you won’t need to spend money on accommodation and food, but you’ll have to work a lot.
If this is not your cup of tea, look for volunteer programs. You can choose a 1-week or a 24-week program, take part in wildlife conservation, teach children, or reconstruct buildings. Plus, you’ll make new friends and gain experience.
For more education, turn to various international exchange programs. This way, you’ll be able to travel and continue studying.
5. Travel With a Company

It’s always good to have friends around when you’re far from home. Of course, it can be difficult to find a friend to apply to the same university abroad or become an au pair at a neighboring family.
But if we’re considering an exchange program, volunteering or a weekend journey, it’s quite possible to avoid going alone. This way you’ll have more fun and avoid many difficulties that lone travelers have to meet.
Wrapping Up
We listed the most important pieces of advice from traveling students in this article. If you follow them, you’re covered on the most important aspects of your travel. We wish you to take care of yourself not only when you are travelling but daily as well.
These tips depend on the aim of your journey, the length of it, etc. So, after you decide on the details, do deeper research to find out even more about how to travel safely as a student and get only benefits from your voyage.