Best New York Travel Quotes

New York is one of the most popular cities in the world. Because of its size and glamour, it earned nickname “The Big Apple”. Many people throughout the world got in touch with this city after watching a popular TV show “Sex and the City”. This is one of the best proofs that this is an exceptional place of possibility and adventure that can help people change their lives. We can even say that Hollywood had a big influence in making New York what it is today, in terms of its magic and influence that it has over many people from all over the world.
There are many things that you can do while in New York like visiting museums, enjoying culture and art. However, one of the highlights you are going to witness in this exceptional city is food. In case you would like to learn more about the city itself, we are going to present you with the best quotes that are related to the city. Some of them were said by some really popular and interesting people. Without wasting too much of your time, let us begin.

“London is satisfied, Paris is resigned, but New York is always hopeful” – Dorothy Parker
“There is no place like it, no place within an atom of its glory, pride, and exultancy” – Walt Whitman
“People go to LA to “find themselves”, they come to New York to become someone new” – Lindsey Kelk
“I get out of the taxi and it’s probably the only city which in reality looks better than the postcards, New York” – Milos Forman
“Practically everybody in New York has a half mind to write a book – and does” – Groucho Marx

“Everybody ought to have a lower East Side in their life” – Irving Berlin
“My favorite thing about New York is the people because I think they’re misunderstood. I don’t think people realize how kind New York people are” – Bill Murray
“New York is the meeting place of the peoples, the only city where you can hardly find a typical American” – Djuna Barnes
“When I’m in New York, I just want to walk down the street and feel this thing, like I’m in a movie” – Ryan Adams
“A hundred times have I thought New York is a catastrophe and fifty times: It is a beautiful catastrophe” – Le Corbusier

“I went to New York to be born again” – Kurt Vonnegut
“The city seen from Queensboro Bridge is always the city seen for the first time. In its first wild promise of all the mystery and beauty of the world” – F. Scott Fitzgerald
“I would give the greatest sunset in the world for one sight of New York’s skyline” – Ayn Rand
“One can’t paint New York as it is, but rather as it is felt” – Georgia O’Keeffe
“No urban night is like the night there, Squares after squares of flame, set up, and cut into the aether” –Ezra Pound
“A true New Yorker secretly believes that people living anywhere else have to be, in some sense, kidding” – John Updike
If all this inspired you, check out Tripindicators day trips to visit and see New York City.