Enjoy Your Travels with the Help of Essential Oils

At the time of a trip, it is normal that due to nerves, climate change, or other factors we can present some discomforts, such as nausea, dizziness, headaches, and others. For this, certain medicine can solve the problem at the root. But what can we do if we do not like to take medications? Take it easy, we can choose to use natural options that help counteract these symptoms and enjoy our trip at ease. Click here to check some of the helpful essential oils to ease your dizziness.
During your trip, you can bring some essential oils that have multiple properties and that can cover most of your basic needs while you are on the road.
Pay attention to the following list of essential oils that can get you out of trouble.
To combat insects

If your trips are to a place where many insects live, there are several oils that can be of great help. In general these places tend to be where there are a lot of vegetation, and the presence of mosquitoes is noticeable. If you want to go hiking or camping take the following essential oils.
Mosquito bites, burns, shock, motion sickness, swelling…… For a vacation with little trouble,
Think of Java lemongrass essential oil, which when used well can work miracles. Take care to observe the recommended mode of use (diffusion, skin application, oral or inhalation), as well as general precautions. As a reminder, essential oils are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers, and children under the age of 7 without medical advice. Essential oils are seldom used pure and are generally mixed with vegetable oils (macadamia, almonds, jojoba, etc.). In all cases, consult an aromatherapy doctor if in doubt or if you do not see any improvement.
You can use an atomizer and put a little essential oil with a little distilled water, mix well and then spray it on your clothes and skin, this will act as an excellent repellent.
Cinnamon essential oil to have a good trip

Cinnamon is one of the oldest known spices. It is antiseptic, antibacterial and antioxidant. It simply means that it will strengthen your immune and gastrointestinal systems and greatly help your body fight infection.
Strengthen your immunity: it is recommended to use it before your trip every day, one week before departure. For example, during my family trips, I apply a prevention one week before the trip and during the duration of the trip (1 week) a drop to rub under the feet every morning. This allows to strengthen the immune system of the whole family before the trip and prolong its effectiveness during the stay.
Protect your gastrointestinal system from bacteria: Our body is used to the environment in which we live. As soon as we change food, water and the environment, our system weakens accordingly. Cinnamon essential oil will help our bodies adapt to this new environment.
Attention, before using an essential oil in our body, it is necessary to dilute it in a vegetable oil: 1 drop of cinnamon essential oil for 4 drops of vegetable oil (sweet almond, coconut, jojoba, hazelnut …)
Eliminate nausea and dizziness with Palo Santo essential oil

This energizing essential oil will make nausea, dizziness, digestive problems and vomiting disappear… The application is simple: a drop of palo santo rubbed on the stomach or ingested can alleviate these symptoms.
On the other hand, it also has a refreshing effect like an ice bath since it has a citrus aroma with a slight Mint odor.
in case of heavy legs or swollen feet. This ideal oil is the indicated one. After a long journey by car, plane, train, for example, your feet may experience some discomfort or swelling. Palo Santo has anti-inflammatory properties that will help with pain relief.
Palo Santo is also an essential oil that is also very effective when fighting insomnia on long car trips. you should only place a drop at chest level and at the temples.
Effective for joints, tight muscles, sprains or even cramps when applied locally. For more information about Palo Santo oil visit EcuadorianHands
Lavender essential oil the best ally for burns and sunburn
It applies to everything related to skin problems in general, bumps, bruises. In fact, it relieves inflammation, itching, and mosquito blackheads … It can be applied directly to the skin, as long as it is of a low percentage, that is, 33% purity.
Lavender essential oil keeps insects, vines, mosquitoes or others away.
To combat migraines
It is normal that during our trip we suffer intense headaches, but do not let that factor ruin your trip you can use the following essential oils to counteract these pain. Use the essential oils of Mint, Palo Santo or lavender, these have relaxing properties which will help to stop the migraine, you just have to put a few drops of essential oil on the neck, temples, and chest.
Tea tree essential oil

Tea Tree (or tea tree) essential oil is an antibacterial and anti-infective oil for superficial wounds, abrasions, wounds or scratches, to disinfect and prevent further infection. In this case, it can be used pure on the wound.
If you take a trip to countries where hygiene is less regulated, you can apply a drop of tea tree in the stomach morning and afternoon to prevent gastrointestinal disorders related to changing food and water.
I hope that these tips can serve you during your next trips, and you can put them into practice, leave those small discomforts in oblivion and you can enjoy your next trips. It is very important to consult with an aromatherapy or essential oil expert before purchasing or using one.
Before using any type of essential oil, try to place a drop of essential oil in your hand before applying it completely to your body, this is to avoid allergies or irritations on our skin.